Yee-Chen Pao

Location: Rockville, MD

Teaches: Private piano, Yamaha group piano


Master of Arts in Music (Piano Performance), Catholic University of America
Bachelor of Arts in Music (Piano Performance), Fu-Jen University, Taiwan
Yee-Chen is a certified Yamaha instructor offering group classes for young children as well as private lessons for intermediate and advanced students. She specializes in classical music, chamber music, competition preparation and supports the local public schools' honors choir piano accompanist.
She is an adjudicator of Montgomery County’s Judged Recitals and National Guild Audition of Piano Teachers and earned NCTM status as a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music from Music Teachers National Association. 
Students Performance Opportunities:
December Recital
May National Piano Guild Audition
Piano Festivals/ Competitions



Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)

Maryland State Music Teachers Association (MSMTA)

National Guild of Piano Teachers